
So, I’m really quite horrible at this blog thing ...

I mean, I’m a pretty decent writer — at least I like to think so ... I am very lucky to have parents that were willing to pay a small fortune for me to get an education in journalism.

No, my problem lies in commitment. I’m not a commitment-phobe by any means ... except, apparently, when it comes to blogging. I have unsuccessfully tried to keep up at least three blogs in the last two years or so. But you know how it goes — you think you have so very much to say and then it turns out that there’s really NOT all that much to say.

I think a big problem of mine also was a lack of focus in my blog attempts. Writing about my daily life is boring to me, let alone anyone who actually might stumble across and be reading my blog. And then there’s all this pressure to try to make your daily life particularly interesting. I can’t do that. I’m generally quite boring.

So why am I making this masochistic attempt at blogging again, you might be wondering. Well, here’s why this one is different. I’m actually going to focus this one ... on travel.

I know that there’s an infinite amount of travel blogs out there, but I am a great believer in the fact that everyone’s travel experience is unique and special ... so here goes.


  1. Can't wait to read more, Rozanne. And we should plan a trip together one of these days.
